Figure 1 - Top - The Navigation and Visualisation of Environmental Audio using Zooming Spectrograms
Other figures that are a part of this publication include: Figure 1 - Top, Figure 1 - Mid, Figure - 4 (Focused stack), and Interactive zooming demo
Fig. 1 - Top. An acoustic day in the life of the Australian bush as revealed in a false-color 24-hour spectrogram. This image was constructed by combining the spectrograms of three different acoustic indices in RGB colour. For more detail see: Towsey et al., Visualization of long-duration acoustic recordings of the environment, presented at the The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2014), Cairns, Australia, 2014.
A 24-hour false-colour spectrogram produced by mapping the indices ACI-ENT-EVN to red-green-blue respectively.
Hover over the descriptions below to highlight sections of the image.
- Morning Chorus
- Crickets - Orthoptera - some tracks decline in frequency because the species is temperature sensitive.
- Crows - Corvus orru - note stacked harmonics
- Grey Fantail - Rhipidura albiscapa - the same pattern of harmonics can be seen repeated later in the day e.g. at 9am
- Yellow-faced Honeyeater - Lichenostomus chrysops
- Olive-backed Oriole - Oriolus sagittatus
- Striated Pardalote - Pardalotus striatus
- Wind gusts, mild
- Dog barking intermittently - green vertical lines indicate brief concentrations of acoustic energy
- Cicada chorus - invisible with this combination of indices but clearly visible when indices BGN, POW and CVR are combined.