Anthony Truskinger

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Michael Towsey

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Over the last few years we have explored the on-ground ecological outcomes of our work in a dynamic two-way relationship with Liz Znidersic (@LizZnidersic) from Charles Sturt University (@ILWSCSU). Liz is interested in secretive wetland birds and uses many methods to look for and monitor these birds, including passive acoustic recording.

Anthony, Liz, the TERROR BITE Monster (our favourite relic), and Michael at the lab

Anthony, Liz, the TERROR BITE Monster (our favourite relic), and Michael at the lab

As part of our latest collaboration with Liz, Long-duration, false-colour spectrograms for detecting species in large audio data-sets (link), Liz created a video describing our work. We’re thrilled at the result and we’d like to share it with all of you:

Discovering the Secrets of Cryptic and Endangered Birds from Clare Thomson on Vimeo.

This world-first study decoding recordings of endangered and cryptic species paves the way for future conservation efforts - a collaboration between QUT EcoAcoustics Research Group and Charles Sturt University

Clare Thomson (Wildcard Media) did all the hard work making the video. You can check out their other videos here.


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