Name change
Our research group’s name changed from Microsoft QUT eResearch Sensors group to the QUT Ecoacoustics Research Group.
Website change
The old website previously hosted at was revamped, recreated, and redesigned.
The new website is hosted at and runs software named The Acoustic Workbench.
Old software
We have an archived, non functional, copy of the code privately hosted at The code was proprietary and probably will not be shared.
We have some resources from the old site still available, like screenshots of the software. If you need these resources, please contact us.
Since then, our new website software has been open sourced. See our GitHub organization to see the code.
Data from
All data, including:
- Audio recordings, sites, and projects
- Audio annotations and taggings
- User accounts
- and other data
were imported into the new Acoustic Workbench application which is now hosted at
Any pubications that references have hopefully been redirected to this page so that the hyperlinks remain useful.
You can find a list of all of our publications on our publications page
Missing information
If you have any other queries or would like to see any other information hosted on this page, in regards to or to the old software please Contact Us and let us know.